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WATCH: MCC CEO Alice Albright is a guest on CARE's latest episode of its Fresh Perspectives podcast where she is interviewed by CARE President & CEO Michelle Nunn about MCC's unique role in international development and its focus on gender and inclusion, country-led development, and transparency. Watch the podcast on YouTube.

Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS) Results

2015 Employee Viewpoint Survey Results

March 24, 2016

2015 FedView Survey Results for the Millennium Challenge Corporation

  1. Interpretation of Results: MCC conducted its 9th Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS) in Fiscal Year 2015. Survey results were largely lower from FY14. MCC saw declines across survey categories but the largest declines in favorable ratings were with questions related to leadership and overall satisfaction. MCC showed some improvement on the question concerning employee concerns with security threats. Questions concerning pay raises/awards and performance also improved. MCC’s strengths remain the mission and the commitment by employees to carry out that mission. MCC also maintains a work environment that is “supportive, fair and open” based on OPM’s new inclusion measure. MCC’s challenges, however, remain leadership and overall satisfaction.
  2. How the survey was conducted: The survey was conducted online from June 03 to June 30, 2015.
  3. Description of sample: All 282 MCC employees were surveyed.
  4. Survey items and response choices: See the tables on the following pages.
  5. Number of employees surveyed, number who responded, and representativeness of respondents: Of the 282 employees surveyed, 223 responded, for a 79% response rate. These respondents are representative of the population.
  Population Respondents
Supvervisory Status
Non-supervisor 72% 78%
Supervisor 16% 12%
Manager 7% 5%
Executive 5% 7%
Male 45% 51%
Female 55% 49%
Are you: Hispanic or Latino
Yes 4% 5%
No 96% 95%
Racial Category
White 64% 78%
Black or African-American 20% 12%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 5% 0%
Asian 2% 5%
American Indian or Alaska Native 8% 1%
Two or more races (not Hispanic or Latino) 0% 4%


Surveys Sent: 282
Surveys Returned: 223
Response Rate: 79%


Prescribed Questions: My Work Experience

Item Text   Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Total
1. I am given a real opportunity to improve my skills in my organization. Frequencies 43 86 42 35 16 222
Percentages 19.4% 38.7% 18.9% 15.8% 7.2% 100.0%
2. I have enough information to do my job well. Frequencies 29 97 38 42 16 222
Percentages 13.1% 43.7% 17.1% 18.9% 7.2% 100.0%
3. I feel encouraged to come up with new and better ways of doing things. Frequencies 49 73 35 34 31 222
Percentages 22.1% 32.9% 15.8% 15.3% 14.0% 100.0%
4. My work gives me a feeling of personal accomplishment. Frequencies 73 64 33 31 20 221
Percentages 33.0% 29.0% 14.9% 14.0% 9.0% 100.0%
5. I like the kind of work I do. Frequencies 92 77 30 14 9 222
Percentages 41.4% 34.7% 13.5% 6.3% 4.1% 100.0%
6. I know what is expected of me on the job. Frequencies 54 84 35 31 18 222
Percentages 24.3% 37.8% 15.8% 14.0% 8.1% 100.0%
7. When needed I am willing to put in the extra effort to get a job done. Frequencies 151 62 6 0 4 223
Percentages 67.7% 27.8% 2.7% 0.0% 1.8% 100.0%
8. I am constantly looking for ways to do my job better. Frequencies 109 90 19 1 2 221
Percentages 49.3% 40.7% 8.6% 0.5% 0.9% 100.0%


Item Text   Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Do Not Know Total
9. I have sufficient resources (for example, people, materials, budget) to get my job done. Frequencies 23 68 39 52 39 0 221
Percentages 10.4% 30.8% 17.6% 23.5% 17.6%   100.0%
10. My workload is reasonable. Frequencies 17 77 40 47 42 0 223
Percentages 7.6% 34.5% 17.9% 21.1% 18.8%   100.0%
11. My talents are used well in the workplace. Frequencies 34 79 32 41 37 0 223
Percentages 15.2% 35.4% 14.3% 18.4% 16.6%   100.0%
12. I know how my work relates to the agency's goals and priorities. Frequencies 65 91 28 21 14 2 221
Percentages 29.7% 41.6% 12.8% 9.6% 6.4%   100.0%
13. The work I do is important. Frequencies 91 88 20 9 11 1 220
Percentages 41.6% 40.2% 9.1% 4.1% 5.0%   100.0%
14. Physical conditions (for example, noise level, temperature, lighting, cleanliness in the workplace) allow employees to perform their jobs well. Frequencies 72 105 17 20 7 1 222
Percentages 32.6% 47.5% 7.7% 9.0% 3.2%   100.0%
15. My performance appraisal is a fair reflection of my performance. Frequencies 38 90 39 14 33 9 223
Percentages 17.8% 42.1% 18.2% 6.5% 15.4%   100.0%
16. I am held accountable for achieving results. Frequencies 51 121 24 14 10 3 223
Percentages 23.2% 55.0% 10.9% 6.4% 4.5%   100.0%
17. I can disclose a suspected violation of any law, rule or regulation without fear of reprisal. Frequencies 56 64 32 21 21 27 221
Percentages 28.9% 33.0% 16.5% 10.8% 10.8%   100.0%
18. My training needs are assessed. Frequencies 22 66 47 57 27 4 223
Percentages 10.0% 30.1% 21.5% 26.0% 12.3%   100.0%


Item Text   Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree No Basis to Judge Total
19. In my most recent performance appraisal, I understood what I had to do to be rated at different performance levels. Frequencies 26 59 41 38 43 15 222
Percentages 12.6% 28.5% 19.8% 18.4% 20.8%   100.0%


Prescribed Questions: My Work Unit

Item Text   Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Total
20. The people I work with cooperate to get the job done. Frequencies 45 113 23 30 8 219
Percentages 20.5% 51.6% 10.5% 13.7% 3.7% 100.0%


Item Text   Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Do Not Know Total
21. My work unit is able to recruit people with the right skills. Frequencies 26 85 49 34 20 6 220
Percentages 12.1% 39.7% 22.9% 15.9% 9.3%   100.0%
22. Promotions in my work unit are based on merit. Frequencies 28 67 43 24 32 27 221
Percentages 14.4% 34.5% 22.2% 12.4% 16.5%   100.0%
23. In my work unit, steps are taken to deal with a poor performer who cannot or will not improve. Frequencies 18 44 55 43 33 27 220
Percentages 9.3% 22.8% 28.5% 22.3% 17.1%   100.0%
24. In my work unit, differences in performance are recognized in a meaningful way. Frequencies 21 49 57 37 33 25 222
Percentages 10.7% 24.9% 28.9% 18.8% 16.8%   100.0%
25. Awards in my work unit depend on how well employees perform their jobs. Frequencies 22 61 50 23 26 38 220
Percentages 12.1% 33.5% 27.5% 12.6% 14.3%   100.0%
26. Employees in my work unit share job knowledge with each other. Frequencies 46 128 17 15 13 3 222
Percentages 21.0% 58.4% 7.8% 6.8% 5.9%   100.0%
27. The skill level in my work unit has improved in the past year. Frequencies 30 65 57 33 17 16 218
Percentages 14.9% 32.2% 28.2% 16.3% 8.4%   100.0%


Item Text   Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor Total
28. How would you rate the overall quality of work done by your work unit? Frequencies 75 95 37 5 6 218
Percentages 34.4% 43.6% 17.0% 2.3% 2.8% 100.0%


Prescribed Questions: My Agency

Item Text   Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Do Not Know Total
29. The workforce has the job-relevant knowledge and skills necessary to accomplish organizational goals. Frequencies 24 104 42 30 15 5 220
Percentages 11.2% 48.4% 19.5% 14.0% 7.0%   100.0%
30. Employees have a feeling of personal empowerment with respect to work processes. Frequencies 16 41 38 71 52 3 221
Percentages 7.3% 18.8% 17.4% 32.6% 23.9%   100.0%
31. Employees are recognized for providing high quality products and services. Frequencies 21 71 48 39 34 7 220
Percentages 9.9% 33.3% 22.5% 18.3% 16.0%   100.0%
32. Creativity and innovation are rewarded. Frequencies 20 60 54 41 38 6 219
Percentages 9.4% 28.2% 25.4% 19.2% 17.8%   100.0%
33. Pay raises depend on how well employees perform their jobs. Frequencies 12 43 57 34 40 32 218
Percentages 6.5% 23.1% 30.6% 18.3% 21.5%   100.0%
34. Policies and programs promote diversity in the workplace (for example, recruiting minorities and women, training in awareness of diversity issues, mentoring). Frequencies 43 74 46 14 13 31 221
Percentages 22.6% 38.9% 24.2% 7.4% 6.8%   100.0%
35. Employees are protected from health and safety hazards on the job. Frequencies 39 119 29 20 9 5 221
Percentages 18.1% 55.1% 13.4% 9.3% 4.2%   100.0%
36. My organization has prepared employees for potential security threats. Frequencies 32 105 35 33 12 4 221
Percentages 14.7% 48.4% 16.1% 15.2% 5.5%   100.0%
37. Arbitrary action, personal favoritism and coercion for partisan political purposes are not tolerated. Frequencies 34 56 30 35 39 27 221
Percentages 17.5% 28.9% 15.5% 18.0% 20.1%   100.0%
38. Prohibited Personnel Practices (for example, illegally discriminating for or against any employee/applicant, obstructing a person's right to compete for employment, knowingly violating veterans' preference requirements) are not tolerated. Frequencies 46 79 25 12 17 39 218
Percentages 25.7% 44.1% 14.0% 6.7% 9.5%   100.0%
39. My agency is successful at accomplishing its mission. Frequencies 38 95 47 18 17 4 219
Percentages 17.7% 44.2% 21.9% 8.4% 7.9%   100.0%


Item Text   Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Total
40. I recommend my organization as a good place to work. Frequencies 37 72 44 39 28 220
Percentages 16.8% 32.7% 20.0% 17.7% 12.7% 100.0%


Item Text   Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Do Not Know Total
41. I believe the results of this survey will be used to make my agency a better place to work. Frequencies 23 45 31 49 53 20 221
Percentages 11.4% 22.4% 15.4% 24.4% 26.4%   100.0%


Prescribed Questions: My Supervisor/Team Leader

Item Text   Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Do Not Know Total
42. My supervisor supports my need to balance work and other life issues. Frequencies 78 100 18 10 15 1 222
Percentages 35.3% 45.2% 8.1% 4.5% 6.8%   100.0%
43. My supervisor provides me with opportunities to demonstrate my leadership skills. Frequencies 71 76 36 21 15 3 222
Percentages 32.4% 34.7% 16.4% 9.6% 6.8%   100.0%
44. Discussions with my supervisor about my performance are worthwhile. Frequencies 62 74 29 27 23 5 220
Percentages 28.8% 34.4% 13.5% 12.6% 10.7%   100.0%
45. My supervisor is committed to a workforce representative of all segments of society. Frequencies 66 68 39 3 6 40 222
Percentages 36.3% 37.4% 21.4% 1.6% 3.3%   100.0%
46. My supervisor provides me with constructive suggestions to improve my job performance. Frequencies 54 83 38 29 15 3 222
Percentages 24.7% 37.9% 17.4% 13.2% 6.8%   100.0%
47. Supervisor in my work unit support employee development. Frequencies 62 93 36 16 11 4 222
Percentages 28.4% 42.7% 16.5% 7.3% 5.0%   100.0%


Item Text   Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Total
48. My supervisor listens to what I have to say. Frequencies 96 76 25 13 10 220
Percentages 43.6% 34.5% 11.4% 5.9% 4.5% 100.0%
49. My supervisor treats me with respect. Frequencies 108 74 16 10 12 220
Percentages 49.1% 33.6% 7.3% 4.5% 5.5% 100.0%
50. In the last six months, my supervisor has talked with me about my performance. Frequencies 97 96 12 8 6 219
Percentages 44.3% 43.8% 5.5% 3.7% 2.7% 100.0%
51. I have trust and confidence in my supervisor. Frequencies 79 67 37 20 17 220
Percentages 35.9% 30.5% 16.8% 9.1% 7.7% 100.0%


Item Text   Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor Total
52. Overall, how good a job do you feel is being done by your immediate supervisor? Frequencies 84 70 37 14 14 219
Percentages 38.4% 32.0% 16.9% 6.4% 6.4% 100.0%


Prescribed Questions: Leadership

Item Text   Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Do Not Know Total
53. In my organization, leaders generate high levels of motivation and commitment in the workforce. Frequencies 14 36 45 67 57 2 221
Percentages 6.4% 16.4% 20.5% 30.6% 26.0%   100.0%
54. My organization's leaders maintain high standards of honesty and integrity. Frequencies 20 56 48 45 37 15 221
Percentages 9.7% 27.2% 23.3% 21.8% 18.0%   100.0%
55. Managers/supervisors/team leaders work well with employees of different backgrounds. Frequencies 32 93 54 13 12 17 221
Percentages 15.7% 45.6% 26.5% 6.4% 5.9%   100.0%
56. Managers communicate the goals and priorities of the organization. Frequencies 25 84 51 35 22 3 220
Percentages 11.5% 38.7% 23.5% 16.1% 10.1%   100.0%
57. Managers review and evaluate the organization's progress toward meeting its goals and objectives. Percentages 21 67 59 37 21 16 221
Percentages 10.2% 32.7% 28.8% 18.0% 10.2%   100.0%
58. Managers promote communication among different work units (for example, about projects, goals, needed resources). Frequencies 20 68 48 47 31 6 220
Percentages 9.3% 31.8% 22.4% 22.0% 14.5%   100.0%
59. Managers support collaboration across work units to accomplish work objectives. Frequencies 24 80 42 38 25 9 218
Percentages 11.5% 38.3% 20.1% 18.2% 12.0%   100.0%


Item Text   Very Good Good Fair Poor Very Poor Do Not Know Total
60. Overall, how good a job do you feel is being done by the manager directly above your immediate supervisor? Frequencies 45 66 45 17 29 16 218
Percentages 22.3% 32.7% 22.3% 8.4% 14.4%   100.0%


Item Text   Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Do Not Know Total
61. I have a high level of respect for my organization's senior leaders. Frequencies 14 37 55 56 54 5 221
Percentages 6.5% 17.1% 25.5% 25.9% 25.0%   100.0%
62. Senior leaders demonstrate support for Work/Life programs. Frequencies 19 58 58 26 33 27 221
Percentages 9.8% 29.9% 29.9% 13.4% 17.0%   100.0%


Prescribed Questions: My Satisfaction

Item Text   Very Satisfied Satisfied Neither Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied Total
63. How satisfied are you with your involvement in decisions that affect your work? Frequencies 30 59 53 55 23 220
Percentages 13.6% 26.8% 24.1% 25.0% 10.5% 100.0%
64. How satisfied are you with the information you receive from management on what's going on in your organization? Frequencies 20 75 51 49 24 219
Percentages 9.1% 34.2% 23.3% 22.4% 11.0% 100.0%
65. How satisfied are you with the recognition you receive for doing a good job? Frequencies 31 65 61 36 27 220
Percentages 14.1% 29.5% 27.7% 16.4% 12.3% 100.0%
66. How satisfied are you with the policies and practices of your senior leaders? Frequencies 15 42 55 59 47 218
Percentages 6.9% 19.3% 25.2% 27.1% 21.6% 100.0%
67. How satisfied are you with your opportunity to get a better job in your organization? Frequencies 22 30 73 42 52 219
Percentages 10.0% 13.7% 33.3% 19.2% 23.7% 100.0%
68. How satisfied are you with the training you receive for your present job? Frequencies 25 63 75 39 15 217
Percentages 11.5% 29.0% 34.6% 18.0% 6.9% 100.0%
69. Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your job? Frequencies 45 75 36 38 27 221
Percentages 20.4% 33.9% 16.3% 17.2% 12.2% 100.0%
70. Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your pay? Frequencies 39 96 37 29 19 220
Percentages 17.7% 43.6% 16.8% 13.2% 8.6% 100.0%
71. Considering everything, how satisfied are you with your organization? Frequencies 27 66 49 48 29 219
Percentages 12.3% 30.1% 22.4% 21.9% 13.2% 100.0%


Prescribed Questions: Work/Life

72. Have you been notified that you are eligible to telework? N %
Yes 181 96%
No 8 4%


73. Please select the response below that BEST describes your teleworking situation. N %
I telework 3 or more days per week. 3 1%
I telework 1 or 2 work days per week. 40 18%
I telework, but no more than 1 or 2 days per month. 46 21%
I telework very infrequently, on an unscheduled or short-term basis. 80 36%
I do NOT telework because I have to be physically present on the job (e.g., Law Enforcement Officers, Park Rangers, Security Personnel). 4 2%
I do NOT telework because I have technical issues (e.g., connectivity, inadequate equipment) that prevent me from teleworking. 1 0%
I do NOT telework because I because I did not receive approval to do so, even though I have the kind of job where I can telework. 9 4%
I do NOT telework because I choose not to telework. 37 17%


Do you participate in the following Work/Life programs?

74. Alternative work schedules (AWS) N %
Yes 30 14%
No 171 77%
Not available to me 20 9%


75. Health and Wellness Programs (for example, exercise, medical screening, quit smoking programs) N %
Yes 32 15%
No 170 78%
Not available to me 16 7%


76. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) N %
Yes 14 6%
No 200 91%
Not available to me 5 2%


77. Child care programs (for example, daycare, parenting classes, parenting support groups) N %
Yes 9 4%
No 192 88%
Not available to me 16 7%


 78. Elder care programs (for example, support groups, speakers) N %
Yes 2 1%
No 205 94%
Not available to me 12 5%


Item Text   Very Satisfied Satisfied Neither Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied No Basis to Judge Total
79. Telework Frequencies 40 94 30 20 13 22 219
Percentages 20.3% 47.7% 15.2% 10.2% 6.6%   100.0%
80. Alternative work schedules (AWS) Frequencies 23 31 25 18 13 109 219
Percentages 20.9% 28.2% 22.7% 16.4% 11.8%   100.0%
81. Health and Wellness Programs (for example, exercise, medical screening, quit smoking programs) Frequencies 14 22 38 7 3 135 219
Percentages 16.7% 26.2% 45.2% 8.3% 3.6%   100.0%
82. Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Frequencies 10 14 34 1 1 160 220
Percentages 16.7% 23.3% 56.7% 1.7% 1.7%   100.0%
83. Child care programs (for example, daycare, parenting classes, parenting support groups) Frequencies 6 11 30 3 5 162 217
Percentages 10.9% 20.0% 54.5% 5.5% 9.1%   100.0%
84. Elder care programs (for example, support groups, speakers) Frequencies 3 3 32 1 1 177 217
Percentages 7.5% 7.5% 80.0% 2.5% 2.5%   100.0%


Prescribed Questions: MCC-Specific Questions

Item Text   Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Total
85. In my current position, I am given sufficient opportunities to develop my skills and abilities. Frequencies 33 87 40 40 17 217
Percentages 15.2% 40.1% 18.4% 18.4% 7.8% 100.0%
86. I know what I have to do to advance at MCC. Frequencies 28 46 54 47 43 218
Percentages 12.8% 21.1% 24.8% 21.6% 19.7% 100.0%
87. The work I am currently doing is preparing me for future opportunities. Frequencies 36 74 54 25 27 216
Percentages 16.7% 34.3% 25.0% 11.6% 12.5% 100.0%


Please RANK the following attributes that are most important to you in your job, from 1 to 10, with 1 being the most important and 10 the least important.

88. Potential for higher pay N %
1 15 7%
2 20 9%
3 23 11%
4 23 11%
5 19 9%
6 25 11%
7 34 16%
8 24 11%
9 13 6%
10 22 10%


89. Potential for job growth (job allows for movement to higher level) N %
1 20 9%
2 28 13%
3 30 14%
4 30 14%
5 20 9%
6 34 16%
7 22 10%
8 17 8%
9 12 6%
10 5 2%


90. Ability to develop marketable skills N %
1 11 5%
2 26 12%
3 23 11%
4 27 12%
5 50 23%
6 19 9%
7 30 14%
8 11 5%
9 13 6%
10 8 4%


91. Interesting and challenging work assignments N %
1 66 30%
2 54 25%
3 36 17%
4 16 7%
5 15 7%
6 11 5%
7 8 4%
8 5 2%
9 3 1%
10 4 2%


92. Control over my work (how it gets done, when it gets done) N %
1 18 8%
2 27 12%
3 33 15%
4 34 16%
5 34 16%
6 28 13%
7 19 9%
8 12 6%
9 10 5%
10 3 1%


93. Greater decision-making authority N %
1 13 6%
2 13 6%
3 30 14%
4 36 17%
5 20 9%
6 29 13%
7 26 12%
8 31 14%
9 12 6%
10 8 4%


94. A clearly defined career path N %
1 10 5%
2 11 5%
3 7 3%
4 17 8%
5 15 7%
6 18 8%
7 28 13%
8 44 20%
9 34 16%
10 34 16%


95. Greater workplace flexibilities N %
1 11 5%
2 13 6%
3 15 7%
4 7 3%
5 33 15%
6 19 9%
7 18 8%
8 39 18%
9 47 22%
10 16 7%


96. Increased choices for employee benefits N %
1 3 1%
2 6 3%
3 1 0%
4 4 2%
5 3 1%
6 13 6%
7 15 7%
8 24 11%
9 52 24%
10 97 44%


97. A strong connection to the mission N %
1 59 27%
2 27 12%
3 24 11%
4 20 9%
5 14 6%
6 18 8%
7 12 6%
8 9 4%
9 18 8%
10 17 8%


Prescribed Questions: MCC-Specific Questions

Item Text   Strongly Agree Agree Neither Disagree Strongly Disagree Total
98. MCC’s senior leaders are effective in communicating changes or decisions that affect employees. Frequencies 12 41 49 75 41 218
Percentages 5.5% 18.8% 22.5% 34.4% 18.8% 100.0%
99. MCC’s senior leaders have a vision for the future of MCC. Frequencies 20 68 53 45 33 219
Percentages 9.1% 31.1% 24.2% 20.5% 15.1% 100.0%
100. MCC’s senior leaders promote morale and organizational commitment. Frequencies 14 35 38 66 64 217
Percentages 6.5% 16.1% 17.5% 30.4% 29.5% 100.0%
101. MCC’s senior leaders consistently demonstrate MCC’s CLEAR values. Frequencies 13 29 56 60 59 217
Percentages 6.0% 13.4% 25.8% 27.6% 27.2% 100.0%
102. The environment in this organization supports a balance between work life and personal life.   Frequencies 20 69 57 35 36 217
Percentages 9.2% 31.8% 26.3% 16.1% 16.6% 100.0%
103. My Department VP values the knowledge and skills of department staff. Frequencies 47 50 40 36 44 217
Percentages 21.7% 23.0% 18.4% 16.6% 20.3% 100.0%
104. My Department VP promotes morale and organizational commitment. Frequencies 38 48 40 40 52 218
Percentages 17.4% 22.0% 18.3% 18.3% 23.9% 100.0%
105. I feel prepared for MCC’s move to the new facility. Frequencies 31 82 61 27 19 220
Percentages 14.1% 37.3% 27.7% 12.3% 8.6% 100.0%
106. I understand the business reasons for the move to the new facility. Frequencies 44 108 35 19 14 220
Percentages 20.0% 49.1% 15.9% 8.6% 6.4% 100.0%
107. I have the skills and knowledge necessary to manage this change successfully. Frequencies 39 109 48 12 11 219
Percentages 17.8% 49.8% 21.9% 5.5% 5.0% 100.0%



109. Where do you work? N %
Headquarters (Washington D.C.) 124 97%
Field (Overseas) 4 3%


110.  What is your supervisory status? N %
Non-Supervisor 121 61%
Team Leader 34 17%
Supervisor 23 12%
Manager 9 5%
Executive 13 7%


111. What is your gender? N %
Male 92 51%
Female 89 49%


112. Are you Hispanic or Latino? N %
Yes 9 5%
No 169 95%


113. Please select the racial category or categories with which you most closely identify. N %
American Indian or Alaska Native 1 1%
Asian 8 5%
Black or African American 20 12%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0 0%
White 126 78%
Two or more races 7 4%


114. What is your age group? N %
25 and under 2 1%
26-29 6 3%
30-39 74 40%
40-49 66 36%
50-59 23 13%
60 or older 13 7%


115. What is your pay category/grade? N %
 Pay Band 1 - 2(b) 14 8%
Pay Band 2(c) - 2(d) 36 21%
Pay Band 3(a) - 3(b) 77 45%
Pay Band 4(a), 4(b), 4(c) 40 24%
Pay Band 5 3 2%


116. How long have you been with the Federal Government (excluding military service)? N %
 Less than 1 year 9 5%
1 to 3 years 27 14%
4 to 5 years 33 17%
6 to 10 years 74 39%
11 to 14 years 28 15%
15 to 20 years 11 6%
More than 20 years 10 5%


117. How long have you been with MCC? N %
Less than 1 year 24 13%
1 to 3 years 44 24%
4 to 5 years 32 17%
6 or more years 85 46%


118. Are you considering leaving MCC within the next year, and if so, why? N %
 No 96 48%
Yes, to retire 2 1%
Yes, to take another job within the Federal Government 24 12%
Yes, to take another job outside the Federal Government 32 16%
Yes, other 47 23%


119. I am planning to retire: N %
 Within one year 3 2%
Between one and three years 6 3%
Between three and five years 3 2%
Five or more years 165 93%


120.  Do you consider yourself to be one or more of the following? N %
Heterosexual or Straight 131 78%
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual or Transgender  5 3%
I prefer not to say 31 19%


121. Have you ever served on Active Duty in the US Armed Forces (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps or Navy)? N %
Yes 9 5%
No 180 95%


122. Are you an individual with a disability? N %
Yes 5 3%
No 180 97%


108. Where do you work at MCC? N %
MCC Overall 223 100%
       AFRICA 23 10%
                PROGRAMS - DC BASED 15 7%
                PROGRAMS - OVERSEAS 8 4%
       EAPLA 13 6%
                PROGRAMS - DC BASED 7 3%
                PROGRAMS - OVERSEAS 6 3%
                FINANCE, INVESTMENT & TRADE 6 3%
               INFRASTRUCTURE 28 13%
                       ENERGY 8 4%
                       TRANSPORTATION 5 2%
                       WATER 6 3%
                AGRICULTURE & LAND 5 2%
                CONTRACTS 0 0%
                GENDER & SOCIAL ASSESSMENT 6 3%
                SECTOR OPERATIONS 2 1%
         PUBLIC AFFAIRS 8 4%
         ADMINISTRATION 6 3%


HCAAF Indices

Index % Favorable
Leadership and Knowledge Management 48%
Results Oriented Performance Culture 50%
Talent Management 52%
Job Satisfaction 57%