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WATCH: MCC CEO Alice Albright is a guest on CARE's latest episode of its Fresh Perspectives podcast where she is interviewed by CARE President & CEO Michelle Nunn about MCC's unique role in international development and its focus on gender and inclusion, country-led development, and transparency. Watch the podcast on YouTube.

Mali Compact

From 2006 to 2012, MCC and the Government of Mali worked in close partnership to develop and implement a $460 million compact investment in the economic future of Mali. The compact was scheduled to conclude on September 17, 2012.

MCC takes seriously its partner countries’ commitment to democratic governance and the rule of law. A military coup in Mali was in direct conflict with these principles. Consequently, on May 4 2012, the Board authorized the termination of the Mali Compact no later than August 31, 2012.  MCC officially terminated the compact on August 24, 2012.

On November 13, 2006, the Millennium Challenge Corporation signed a five-year, $461 million compact with the Government of Mali aimed at increasing agricultural production and productivity and expanding Mali’s access to markets and trade. The compact is intended to serve as a catalyst for sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction through key infrastructure investments that capitalize on two of Mali’s major assets: The Bamako-Sénou International Airport, gateway for regional and international trade, and the Niger River, for irrigated agriculture. The compact entered into force (EIF) in September 17, 2007, initiating the five-year timeline for project implementation.

The compact has been restructured due to escalating global construction costs and currency fluctuations. Funds formerly designated for an Industrial Park Project have been allocated to the Airport Project.


Financials as of July 1, 2016

Program Budget


  • Signed:
    November 13, 2006
  • Entry Into Force:
    September 18, 2007
  • Closed:
    August 25, 2012

Program Projects

This project will increase production and productivity, improve land tenure security, modernize irrigated production systems and mitigate the uncertainty from subsistence rain-fed agriculture, thereby increasing farmers’ incomes. The Alatona irrigation project will introduce innovative agricultural, land tenure, credit and water management practices, as well as policy and organizational reforms aimed at realizing the Office du Niger’s potential to serve as an engine of rural growth for Mali.

  • Upgrade Niono-Goma Coura Road;
  • Expand main water conveyance system and Alatona irrigation infrastructure;
  • Provide a variety of social infrastructure and services to local residents and farmers;
  • Improve land tenure security and
  • Improve access to agricultural and financial services.
Projected Long Term Results at Program Closure
  • 649,592
    Estimated Beneficiaries
  • $247,700,000
    Estimated Net Benefits

This project will remove constraints to air traffic growth and increase the airport’s effi­ciency in both passenger and freight handling through airside and landside infrastructure improvements, as well as the establishment of appropriate institutional mechanisms to ensure effective management, security, opera­tion, and maintenance of the airport facilities over the long term.

  • Construct a new passenger terminal and airport roads;
  • Improve water supply and solid waste disposal systems;
  • Reinforce and extend the runway;
  • Replace a portion of the navigational equipment;
  • Reinforce the security system; and
  • Strengthen institutions involved in airport operation and maintenance.

Independent Evaluations

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Results to Date

Projected Results by End of Compact

The Mali Compact aimed to achieve the results below by the end of the compact in August 2012:

  • Increase per capita income from irrigated agricultural production in the Alatona zone by $725;
  • Increase total revenue of firms servicing the airport by 18%, and
  • Decrease transportation costs for products along the Niono- Goma Coura road by 50%.

Results to Date

Information on results to date is available in the Table of Key Performance Indicators (a subset of the full set monitored under the Mali Monitoring and Evaluation Plan). The full set of performance indicators is detailed in the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan.

Impact Evaluation Framework

In addition to careful monitoring of implementation performance and measurement of preliminary results, MCC is funding and impact evaluation that will assess what would have happened in the absence of the MCC investments and measure the gains in income that can be attributed specifically to MCC-funded activities. Read about the impact evaluation of the Alatona Irrigation Project. More information also is available in the Monitoring and Evaluation Plan.

Projected Long Term Results by Project
Project Estimated Beneficiaries Estimated Benefits
Alatona Irrigation Project

Increase the agricultural production and productivity in the Alatona zone of the Office du Niger through:

  • Rehabilitating and paving of 81 km of the Niono-Diabaly-Goma Coura Road;
  • Developing the irrigation system through the construction of a 63 km primary canal and networks of secondary and tertiary canals;
  • Expanding the main conveyance system of the Office du Niger canal by removing the central barricade of the feeder canal;
  • Implementing a more efficient water management system in the Office du Niger;
  • Updating the land registry system in partnership with the National Directorate for State Property and Cadastre;
  • Financing and management of subsidies for applied agricultural research, and
  • Informing and training farmers on improved farming practices for irrigated production.
649,592 $247,700,000