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WATCH: MCC CEO Alice Albright is a guest on CARE's latest episode of its Fresh Perspectives podcast where she is interviewed by CARE President & CEO Michelle Nunn about MCC's unique role in international development and its focus on gender and inclusion, country-led development, and transparency. Watch the podcast on YouTube.

International Literacy Day

  • MCA-Niger

    “Before this literacy training, we carried out all our activities [marketing and selling goods as a cooperative] without any written records, and things were completely vague to us. At the end, you don't even know whether you have made a profit or not.” —Seydou Adamou Kailou, learner from the village of Kailou Koira

  • MCA-Niger

    "This training has changed our state of mind." —Halima Amadou, learner from the Konni region

  • MCA-Niger

    "In the past, we sought help for a sick child very late, but now, thanks to the literacy training, we understand that it is necessary to refer our sick children to the doctor earlier, from the first symptoms. This greatly reduces the costs and allows a faster recovery.” —Maimouna Harouna, learner from the village of Kailou Koira

  • MCA-Niger

    “We were unable to hold meetings related to our [association] activities because we didn't have anyone to take notes. However, thanks to the literacy training our women’s group has become operational, and as I can now read and write, I have been appointed secretary.” —Nafissa Hamadou, learner from the village of Bongoubi (Gaya)

  • MCA-Niger

    “This training brought us out of darkness...” —Zeinabou Ousmane, learner from the Konni region

As former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan once said, “Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope.” MCC and the Government of Niger are working to build that bridge for thousands of adults in Niger, where the literacy rate hovers around 35 percent.

When the Niger Compact sought to improve the agriculture and livestock sectors in Niger, it became clear that low literacy rates were limiting the ability to train local farmers and producers and blocked their access to credit. So MCC and our partner MCA-Niger began offering functional literacy and numeracy classes in reading, life skills, health, nutrition, and basic arithmetic in the local languages of Hausa and Zarma. To date, 5,118 people have been trained in the program, 52% of whom are women.

Meet some of the rural men and women who have benefited from the MCC-funded trainings. #literacyday