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WATCH: MCC CEO Alice Albright is a guest on CARE's latest episode of its Fresh Perspectives podcast where she is interviewed by CARE President & CEO Michelle Nunn about MCC's unique role in international development and its focus on gender and inclusion, country-led development, and transparency. Watch the podcast on YouTube.

  • Star Report:  Cabo Verde Compact II
  • May 2019

Policy and Institutional Reforms

Compact Component(s) Major Condition Precedent or Policy Reform Rating: Met on Time/Satisfied/Deferred/Not Met Narrative
WASH National Water and Sanitation Council (CNAS) and National Water and Sanitation Agency (ANAS) created Met on time ANAS is responsible for policy and planning of all water resources, domestic water supply, wastewater, and sanitation; and CNAS provides oversight to ensure sector policies are aligned with overall government policy direction.
WASH CNAS and ANAS operational: (1) Strategic National Master Plan and Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment; (2) National Training Plan; (3) Information, Education and Communication Plan; and (4) Social and Gender Mainstreaming Strategy approved by CNAS and implemented by ANAS Met on time  
WASH Ministry of Environment, Housing and Land Management and Autonomous Service of Water and Sanitation sign Memorandum of Understanding transitioning to independently operated/managed Multiple Municipal Utilities of Santiago. Met on time
WASH Government ensures that Multiple Municipal Utilities (“MMU”) of Santiago island has sufficient equity contributions, or other non-reimbursable funding from its shareholders, to support its operations and working capital needs, in accordance with the findings of the economic and financial viability study. Met on time
WASH Multiple Municipal Utility(s) (MMU) created as an independent, corporatized entity based on cost-of-service Met on time Prior to making the second tranche of MCC funding available under the IGF, MMU was created as an independent, corporatized entity that utilizes cost-of-service by rate class and addresses pro-poor tariffs.
WASH Government makes matching contribution to the Infrastructure Grant Facility (IGF) Met on time Prior to making the third tranche[[Originally, the IGF was designed with three tranches of funds. When the Government met the conditions to release tranches two and three at the same time, it eliminated the need for three calls for funding.]] of MCC funding available under the IGF, the Government made the appropriate matching contribution to the IGF as previously agreed.
WASH Water quality[[Water quality refers to the chemical, physical and biological characteristics of water, a measure of the condition of water relative to the requirements of one or more biotic species and/or to any human need or purpose. The most common standards used to assess water quality relate to health of ecosystems, safety of human contact and drinking water.]]standards updated, legally decreed and published, including those pertaining to re-use and treated water. Not met Entered into force in 2018, after the compact period ended.
WASH ANAS fully functional, as evidenced by: 1. relevant changes in legislation approved; 2. administrative rules in place; 3. internal operating regulations established; 4. 90 percent of key management staff hired in accordance with approved organizational structure transfer; and 5. ANAS executed approved work plan and budget. Met on time
WASH CNAS fully functional, as evidenced by: 1. members appointed; 2. meetings convened; 3. CNAS performing designated function of providing policy guidance and implementation oversight of ANAS activities in accordance with CNAS's published bylaws. Met on time  
LAND Prior to the initial Disbursement of Program Funding that includes, in whole or in part, any funding for the Rights and Boundaries Activity, any new or amended laws or regulatory texts (including but not limited to, regulations, ordinances and directives) determined to be necessary under the Foundations Activity, shall have been adopted by the Parliament or the relevant Government ministry(ies) and be in full force and effect. Satisfied  
WASH Establishment of a community liaison office in AdS staffed with social inclusion and gender expertise. Deferred, then met The condition precedent required that the new multi-municipal utility, AdS, have a community liaison and social affairs unit set up by a specified stage in compact implementation. However, the formation of the utility itself was delayed, so that at that time that the condition precedent came due, the utility was in an early stage of formation and it was too early to have established this unit. AdS offered a temporary staffing solution deemed satisfactory by MCC in the short-term. Given this temporary solution, MCC deferred the condition precedent in order to allow AdS additional time to meet the condition precedent. The community liaison office was ultimately established and staffed to MCC’s satisfaction.
LAND Prior to the initial Disbursement of Program Funding that includes, in whole or in part, any funding for the Rights and Boundaries Activity, any new or amended laws or regulatory texts (including but not limited to, regulations, ordinances and directives) determined to be necessary under the Foundations Activity, shall have been adopted by the Parliament or the relevant Government ministries and be in full force and effect. Satisfied  
LAND Prior to the initial Disbursement of Program Funding that includes, in whole or in part, any funding for the Rights and Boundaries Activity, an operations manual for the Rights and Boundaries Activity fieldwork satisfactory to MCC, including environmental and social safeguards and provisions, shall have been completed and adopted by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Management through such instrument as the Parties agree is required to give full force and effect to such manual. Satisfied  
LAND Prior to disbursement of MCC Funding to implement the Rights and Boundaries Activity on additional islands, the Government shall have completed the activity on Sal island, to a degree satisfactory to MCC, and any modifications to the implementation approach for remaining islands agreed shall have been agreed among MCC, the Government and MCA-Cabo Verde II. Satisfied  

In addition to the policy-related conditions precedent listed above, the government of Cabo Verde drafted and adopted 36 different new or revised laws, regulations, procedures and standards to underpin and enable the Land Project’s implementation, particularly the Rights and Boundaries Clarification Activity.