Official websites use .gov
A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States.

Secure .gov websites use HTTPS
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WATCH: MCC CEO Alice Albright is a guest on CARE's latest episode of its Fresh Perspectives podcast where she is interviewed by CARE President & CEO Michelle Nunn about MCC's unique role in international development and its focus on gender and inclusion, country-led development, and transparency. Watch the podcast on YouTube.

  • Special Publication:  Public Website Visual Style Guide
  • August 2015


The website uses a color palette that very closely aligns itself with MCC’s Default and Supporting color palettes identified in its Standards for Global Marking and Branding. The Web palette’s colors are slightly more saturated and meet accessibility guidelines for color.

Web Color Palette
Example Name Code
Web Deep Blue
  • RGB: rgb(0, 37, 99)
  • Hex: #002563
  • CSS class to apply background: .bkgd-color-web-deep-blue
  • CSS class to change object color: .color-web-deep-blue
  • SASS variable: $web-deep-blue
Web Bold Blue
  • RGB: rgb(21, 87, 197)
  • Hex: #1557c5
  • CSS class to apply background: .bkgd-color-web-bold-blue
  • CSS class to change object color: .color-web-bold-blue
  • SASS variable: $web-bold-blue
Web Bright Blue
  • RGB: rgb(154, 216, 253)
  • Hex: #9ad8fd
  • CSS class to apply background: .bkgd-color-web-bright-blue
  • CSS class to change object color: .color-web-bright-blue
  • SASS variable: $web-bright-blue
Web Deep Green
  • RGB: rgb(39, 89, 55)
  • Hex: #275937
  • CSS class to apply background: .bkgd-color-web-deep-green
  • CSS class to change object color: .color-web-deep-green
  • SASS variable: $web-deep-green
Web Red
  • RGB: rgb(184, 30, 60)
  • Hex: #b81e3c
  • CSS class to apply background: .bkgd-color-web-red
  • CSS class to change object color: .color-web-red
  • SASS variable: $web-red
Web Yellow
  • RGB: rgb(243, 203, 0)
  • Hex: #f3cb00
  • CSS class to apply background: .bkgd-color-web-bright-yellow
  • CSS class to change object color: .color-web-bright-yellow
  • SASS variable: $web-bright-yellow
Off Black
  • RGB: rgb(34, 34, 34)
  • Hex: #222222
  • CSS class to apply background: .bkgd-color-off-black
  • CSS class to change object color: .color-off-black
  • SASS variable: $off-black
Dark Grey
  • RGB: rgb(120, 120, 120)
  • Hex: #787878
  • CSS class to apply background: .bkgd-color-grey-dark
  • CSS class to change object color: .color-grey-dark
  • SASS variable: $grey-dark
Medium Grey
  • RGB: rgb(204, 208, 214)
  • Hex: #ccd0d6
  • CSS class to apply background: .bkgd-color-grey-medium
  • CSS class to change object color: .color-grey-medium
  • SASS variable: $grey-medium
Pale Grey
  • RGB: rgb(217, 217, 217)
  • Hex: #d9d9d9
  • CSS class to apply background: .bkgd-color-grey-pale
  • CSS class to change object color: .color-grey-pale
  • SASS variable: $grey-pale