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WATCH: MCC CEO Alice Albright is a guest on CARE's latest episode of its Fresh Perspectives podcast where she is interviewed by CARE President & CEO Michelle Nunn about MCC's unique role in international development and its focus on gender and inclusion, country-led development, and transparency. Watch the podcast on YouTube.

  • Special Publication:  Public Website Visual Style Guide
  • August 2015


Use the list styles below to organize information for readers into lists and maintain accessibility and compliance with federal accessibility laws.

HTML Tags, Styled

Definition <dl>

This is a term
This is that term’s definition

This is another term
This is the other term’s definition
This is the other term’s second definition


<dt>This is a term</dt>
<dd>This is that term’s definition</dd>

<dt>This is another term</dt> <dd>This is the other term’s definition</dd> <dd>This is the other term’s second definition</dd> </dl>

Ordered <ol>

  1. List Item
  2. List Item
  3. List Item
    1. Nested List Item
    2. Nested List Item
    3. Nested List Item
  4. List Item


<li>List Item</li>
<li>List Item</li>
<li>List Item
<li>Nested List Item</li>
<li>Nested List Item</li>
<li>Nested List Item</li>
<li>List Item</li>

Unordered <ul>

  • List Item
  • List Item
  • List Item
    • Nested List Item
    • Nested List Item
    • Nested List Item
  • List Item


<li>List Item</li>
<li>List Item</li>
<li>List Item
<li>Nested List Item</li>
<li>Nested List Item</li>
<li>Nested List Item</li>
<li>List Item</li>

List Patterns

Ordered List—Legal Numbering .ol-legal

This pattern creates a legal numbering structure using an ordered list. The pattern only works with the <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, and <h5> tags.



<div class="ol-legal">
<h2>Primary Header</h2>
<p>Primary text.</p>

<h3>Secondary Header</h3> <p>Secondary text.</p>

<h3>Another Secondary Header</h3> <p>More secondary text.</p>

<h2>Another Primary Header</h2> <p>More primary text</p>

<h3>Yet Another Secondary Header</h3> <p>More secondary text.</p>

<h4>Tertiary Header</h4> <p>Tertiary text.</p>

<h4>Another Tertiary Header</h4> <p>More tertiary text.</p>

<h5>Quaternary Header</h5> <p>Quaternary text.</p> </div>

Ordered List—Chapter .ol-chapter

Use this pattern to automatically add the word “Chapter” to the beginning of a numbered section. This class uses digits. The pattern only works with <h2>.


Chapter Name

Chapter text.

Sub-section Name

Sub-section text.

Another Chapter Name

Another chapter text.


<section class="ol-chapter">
<h2>Chapter Name</h2>
<p>Chapter text.</p>

<h3>Sub-section Name</h3> <p>Sub-section text.</p>

<h2>Another Chapter Name</h2> <p>Another section text.</p> </section>

Ordered List—Part .ol-part

Use this pattern to automatically add the word “Part” to the beginning of a numbered section. This class uses digits. The pattern only works with <h2>.

  • .ol-part-upper-alpha: use this class for uppercase letters.
  • .ol-part-upper-roman: use this class for uppercase Roman numerals.


Section Name

Section text.

Sub-section Name

Sub-section text.

Another Section Name

Another section text.


<section class="ol-part">
<h2>Section Name</h2>
<p>Section text.</p>

<h3>Sub-section Name</h3> <p>Sub-section text.</p>

<h2>Another Section Name</h2> <p>Another section text.</p> </section>

Ordered List—Section .ol-section

Use this pattern to automatically add the word “Section” to the beginning of a numbered section. This class uses digits. The pattern only works with <h2>.

  • .ol-section-upper-alpha: use this class for uppercase letters.
  • .ol-section-upper-roman: use this class for uppercase Roman numerals.


Section Name

Section text.

Sub-section Name

Sub-section text.

Another Section Name

Another section text.


<section class="ol-section">
<h2>Section Name</h2>
<p>Section text.</p>

<h3>Sub-section Name</h3> <p>Sub-section text.</p>

<h2>Another Section Name</h2> <p>Another section text.</p> </section>

Ordered List—Standard Outline .ol-standard-outline

This pattern creates the standard outline structure using an ordered list. The pattern only works with the <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, and <h5> tags.


Primary Header

Primary text.

Secondary Header

Secondary text.

Another Secondary Header

More secondary text.

Another Primary Header

More primary text

Yet Another Secondary Header

More secondary text.

Tertiary Header

Tertiary text.

Another Tertiary Header

More tertiary text.

Quaternary Header

Quaternary text.


<div class="ol-standard-outline">
<h2>Primary Header</h2>
<p>Primary text.</p>

<h3>Secondary Header</h3> <p>Secondary text.</p>

<h3>Another Secondary Header</h3> <p>More secondary text.</p>

<h2>Another Primary Header</h2> <p>More primary text</p>

<h3>Yet Another Secondary Header</h3> <p>More secondary text.</p>

<h4>Tertiary Header</h4> <p>Tertiary text.</p>

<h4>Another Tertiary Header</h4> <p>More tertiary text.</p>

<h5>Quaternary Header</h5> <p>Quaternary text.</p> </div>

Ordered List—Standard Outline Starting with Uppercase Alphabet .ol-standard-outline-roman

This pattern creates the standard outline structure but begins with the uppercase letter rather than the roman numeral using an ordered list. The pattern only works with the <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, and <h5> tags.


Primary Header

Primary text.

Secondary Header

Secondary text.

Another Secondary Header

More secondary text.

Another Primary Header

More primary text

Yet Another Secondary Header

More secondary text.

Tertiary Header

Tertiary text.

Another Tertiary Header

More tertiary text.

Quaternary Header

Quaternary text.


<div class="ol-standard-outline-roman">
<h2>Primary Header</h2>
<p>Primary text.</p>

<h3>Secondary Header</h3> <p>Secondary text.</p>

<h3>Another Secondary Header</h3> <p>More secondary text.</p>

<h2>Another Primary Header</h2> <p>More primary text</p>

<h3>Yet Another Secondary Header</h3> <p>More secondary text.</p>

<h4>Tertiary Header</h4> <p>Tertiary text.</p>

<h4>Another Tertiary Header</h4> <p>More tertiary text.</p>

<h5>Quaternary Header</h5> <p>Quaternary text.</p> </div>

Search Results


  1. About


    to financial services – whether in the form of savings, credit, money transfers … and productive capacity. Access to financial services empowers the poor by reducing …
  2. Eko: Chasing the Fortune at the Base of the Pyramid

    Success Story

    Eko Financial Services Ltd., is working with two major banks, the State Bank of India and ICICI, India’s second largest bank, to offer financial services
  3. Chasing the Fortune at the Base of the Pyramid

    Success Story

    money using a cellphone. Now their company, Eko Financial Services … ’s second largest bank, to offer financial services to poor and low income …
  4. Branchless Banking and Consumer Protection in Brazil

    for branchless banking services. The report, available here in English … products and delivery channels often bring financial services to populations … The growing popularity of these new financial services is evidenced by the fact …
  5. Technology and Business Model Innovation Program

    Success Story

    people who do not have access to formal financial services. In response … operators, retail stores, and regulators to deliver financial services through … so that promising branchless banking services can thrive …


<div class="search-bar">
<form role="search">
<input type="search" placeholder="Enter Search">
<input type="submit" value="Search">

<ol class="search-results"> <li> <h3><a href="">About</a></h3> <h4><a href="">Page</a></h4> to financial <strong>services</strong> – whether in the form of savings, credit, money transfers … and productive capacity. Access to financial <strong>services</strong> empowers the poor by reducing … </li> <li> <h3><a href="">Eko: Chasing the Fortune at the Base of the Pyramid</a></h3> <h4><a href="">Success Story</a></h4> Eko Financial <strong>Services</strong> Ltd., is working with two major banks, the State Bank of India and ICICI, India’s second largest bank, to offer financial <strong>services</strong> … </li> </ol>

<div class="item-list pager-container"> <ul class="pager clearfix"> <li class="pager-first first"><a title="Go to first page" href="#">« first</a></li> <li class="pager-previous"><a title="Go to previous page" href="#">‹ previous</a></li> <li class="pager-item"><a title="Go to page 1" href="#">1</a></li> <li class="pager-current"><a title="Go to page 2" href="#">2</a></li> <li class="pager-item"><a title="Go to page 3" href="#">3</a></li> <li class="pager-item"><a title="Go to page 4" href="#">4</a></li> <li class="pager-next"><a title="Go to next page" href="#">next ›</a></li> <li class="pager-last last"><a title="Go to last page" href="#">last »</a></li> </ul> </div>

Teaser List <ul class="teasers">

The teaser is used to display a list of similar content items like events, documents or videos. To list multiple teaser items, duplicate the <li class="teaser"> code for each item. Optional elements:

  • Dateline: the dateline is the small text above the teaser’s headline that can either display the date or the category of an item
  • Image: the image should be the featured image assigned to an item in its content management system entry. It should be no larger than 190 x 96 pixels.
  • Title

    The image is optional, but preferred. For hand-coded teaser lists, use an entry's teaser image. The image should typically be a 2:1 ratio (which teaser images should be by default). The teaser should be no longer than 261 characters, including spaces.


<ul class="teasers">
<li class="teaser">
<div class="teaser-content">
<p class="text-small text-dateline">date posted, event date, date approved and/or category</p>
<h3><a href="#">Title</a></h3>
<div class="teaser-image">
<img src="">
<p>The image is optional, but preferred. For hand-coded teaser lists, use an entry's teaser image. The image should typically be a 2:1 ratio (which teaser images should be by default). The teaser should be no longer than 261 characters, including spaces.</p>

Unordered List—List Photos .list-photos

This pattern is used to display images as a list. The list does not include bullets.



<ul class="list-photos">
<li><img alt="" src="" style="width: 100%;" /></li>
<li><img alt="" src="" style="width: 100%;" /></li>
<li><img alt="" src="" style="width: 100%;" /></li>
<li><img alt="" src="" style="width: 100%;" /></li>

Unordered List—Unstyled .list-unstyled

This pattern is used to display list items without any bullets.

  • List Item
  • List Item
  • List Item
    • Nested List Item
    • Nested List Item
    • Nested List Item
  • List Item


<ul class="list-unstyled">
<li>List Item</li>
<li>List Item</li>
<li>List Item
<li>Nested List Item</li>
<li>Nested List Item</li>
<li>Nested List Item</li>
<li>List Item</li>

Helper Classes

Listed alphabetically by class name. Add these classes to the respective <ul> or <ol> tag.

List Helper Classes
Class Description
.list-no-margin Add to either <ul> or <ol> to remove the margins from a list
.ol-decimal Displays an ordered list using numbers (e.g. 1, 2, 3)
.ol-decimal-leading-zero Displays an ordered list using numbers with leading zeros (e.g. 01, 02, 03)
.ol-lower-alpha Displays an ordered list using the lowercase alphabet
.ol-lower-greek Displays an ordered list using the lowercase Greek alphabet
.ol-lower-roman Displays an ordered list using lowercase Roman numerals
.ol-upper-alpha Displays an ordered list using the uppercase alphabet
.ol-upper-roman Displays an ordered list using uppercase Roman numerals
.ul-list-bullet-check-mark Add to the <ul> tag to have each <li> display a FontAwesome check mark instead of a bullet
.check-mark-bold-blue Add to the <ul> tag to have each <li> display a FontAwesome check mark instead of a bullet colored web-bold-blue
.list-inline Displays an unordered list horizontally inline
.ul-list-inline-comma Add to the <ul> tag to have an unordered list display horizontally inline with a comma and a space between list items
.ul-list-inline-pipe Add to the <ul> tag to have an unordered list display horizontally inline with a pipe between list items