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MCC's Investments in Africa by Sector

Numbers represent compact investments as of Mar. 31, 2024.

Two-thirds of MCC’s portfolio are investments in African partner countries who have demonstrated their commitment to good governance, democratic values and investing in their people. MCC is playing a leading role in helping countries seize new economic opportunities and fight poverty.

Since its founding in 2004, MCC has invested over $10 billion in programs in 24 countries across Africa. MCC’s Africa portfolio is largely composed of large-scale infrastructure projects that have delivered clean water and sanitation to help fight disease, made transportation more efficient through construction of hundreds of kilometers of roads, improved agriculture yields by bringing irrigation to farmers, and increased access to reliable electricity for households and businesses.

The AGOA and MCA Modernization Act authorized MCC to enter into Regional Compacts. Regional Compacts are MCC’s approach to tackling large scale, regional economic barriers to cross-border trade and investment challenges. Often Regional Compacts have multiple countries working concurrently, using regional analytics, organizations and private sector data to identify how and where an MCC grant can have the largest transformation for multiple economies. This expands MCC’s ability to deploy its innovative model on projects within MCC partner countries and across borders, thereby enhancing MCC’s poverty reduction, security, and stability impacts.

MCC’s investments and partnerships have:

  • benefited an estimated 154 million Africans,
  • improved the yields of over 70,616 African farmers,
  • educated 255,523 African students,
  • contributed over 26 million megawatt-hours of electricity supply to Africans, and
  • guaranteed over 305,000 African households and businesses have legal rights and protections over their land.

MCC Investments in Africa

  • Health Systems

    $75 million in Lesotho to strengthen the delivery of primary health care services, improve government efficiency and address the unique challenges related to gender-based violence.

  • Energy Investments

    $550 million in Senegal Energy Compact is designed to strengthen and modernize the power sector by increasing the reliability and access to electricity and helping Senegal’s government establish a modern and efficient power system.

  • Regional Investments

    The MCC regional compact with Benin will invest in rehabilitating the roads and transport corridor for greater regional access to the Port of Cotonou. This regional corridor is considered one of the most heavily traveled corridors in West Africa and will showcase how MCC can support a regional approach to economic growth.

  • Food Security

    $5 billion invested with partner countries to address many sources of food insecurity. The Mozambique Connectivity and Coastal Resilience Compact will increase private investment in rural agriculture and results-based financing to sustainably link smallholder farmers to commercial markets.

  • Urban Planning and Land Use

    The Nairobi metropolitan region is one of the fastest urbanizing regions on the African continent. Through its Kenya Urban Mobility and Growth Threshold Program, MCC is providing $60 million to address challenges that limit urban mobility and connectivity in Nairobi. The program supports improvements in long-term planning for urban land use and transportation, with an emphasis on the needs of underserved groups, safer options for women and pedestrians, and climate-friendly public transportation.

  • Job Market and Training Environment

    In today’s dynamic economy, it’s critical that young people need to have access to a high-quality education that provides the skills that they need to get a job. The Morocco Employability and Land Compact, which ended in March 2023, invested $225 million in improving the quality of secondary and TVET education as well as job training services for young people and women.

  • Digital Infrastructure

    Togo’s economy is restricted by high costs of internet connectivity and the resulting low usage of digital tools and services by its population. The $35 million Togo Threshold Program supports reforms to address these constraints by strengthening the regulatory environment, encouraging private sector investment, expanding service to underserved areas, and increasing the use of ICT among women and small businesses. The Togo Proposed Compact is studying investments in fiber-optic network that would provide essential high-speed internet infrastructure, as well as investments in a digital financial services system that would facilitate digital payments.

Related Initiatives

  • Worker at an electrical substation in Tanzania

    MCC is a major contributor to Power Africa's goals. The agency's approach to helping countries achieve economic growth—through a focus on results, country demand, and good governance—is squarely aligned with the Power Africa effort. MCC has invested around $2.5 billion to support Power Africa through compacts and threshold programs, which improve the quality and consistency of electricity, attract private investments, and develop sustainable energy solutions.

  • MCC's goals, mission and country-driven approach are aligned with Feed the Future. As a proud implementing agency of the U.S. Government-wide initiative, MCC has invested over $5 billion dollars in agriculture across its global portfolio and is helping to sustainably reduce hunger and poverty through increased agricultural development and nutrition programs.

  • Workers at the 400-kv Nkhoma Substation in Malawi

    MCC is a builder and catalyst in blended finance transactions and is well-positioned to facilitate the U.S. Government's strategic use of development finance to mobilize private capital for public good through Prosper Africa.

  • Port of Cotonou in Benin

    MCC has invested $4.5 billion in trade capacity building assistance in AGOA countries on infrastructure like roads and power, on increasing productivity of small- and medium-sized businesses and export-heavy sectors, and leveraging policy and regulatory reforms.

Countries in Africa with MCC Programs

  • MCC helped increase access to markets, land, justice, and financial services, including a major modernization of the Port of Cotonou that contributed to reducing port costs, shortening wait times and boosting traffic at the regional commercial hub.

  • MCC’s $391 million second compact with Benin focuses on electricity reliability and access through new infrastructure, policy reforms, institutional strengthening, and support for private investment in the power sector.

  • The Benin Regional Transport Compact will strengthen regional trade and reduce transportation costs by rehabilitating a major trade corridor in the West Africa region.

  • MCC strengthened agricultural infrastructure and water-management techniques, assisted in rural land ownership reform, linked markets through improved roads, and ensured more girls complete primary school.

  • In September 2022, the MCC Board of Directors voted to terminate MCC’s assistance to Burkina Faso.

  • The program promoted shared values and economic growth in Burkina Faso by providing girls with greater access to quality primary education in the 10 lowest-performing provinces in the country.

  • MCC helped integrate internal markets and reduce transportation costs by upgrading Cape Verde's infrastructure, including modernization of the Port of Praia. MCC also helped link businesses to credit markets and promoted drip irrigation.

  • This five-year compact with Cape Verde aimed to increase household incomes by reforming two sectors identified as current constraints to economic growth: the water and sanitation sector and the land management sector.

  • The $536 million transportation and education focused compact entered into force in August 2019 and is set to end in August 2025. This follows a one-year extension and $12M funding increase (up from $524M) due to delays caused by COVID-19.

  • The Côte d’Ivoire Regional Compact aims to increase the net quantity of energy that Côte d’Ivoire trades on the regional electricity market and help strengthen regional energy security within West Africa.

  • The Ghana Compact was designed to raise farmer incomes through private sector-led agribusiness development with projects aim to strengthen production, help move goods to market more efficiently and improve farm communities and farmers' livelihoods.

  • MCC's Ghana Power Compact will fight poverty by improving the reliability and affordability of electricity in Ghana.

  • From 2007-2010, Kenya's USAID-implemented Threshold Program focused on reducing public-sector corruption by overhauling the public procurement system, with a specific concentration on health care procurements throughout the supply chain.

  • The Kenya Urban Mobility and Growth Threshold Program seeks to assist Kenya in addressing limited connectivity in urban areas, a critical constraint to economic growth.

  • MCC's investments aimed to increase the availability of water for household and industrial use, enhance watershed management and conservation methods, rehabilitate health infrastructure and strengthen health systems, and remove barriers to private investment.

  • The $300 million Lesotho Health and Horticulture Compact seeks to assist the country in unlocking equitable and sustainable economic growth in partnership with the private sector by addressing key constraints to growth.

  • This compact aimed to encourage economic growth and reduce poverty in Liberia by focusing on inadequate access to reliable and affordable electricity and road infrastructure.

  • In December 2024, the MCC Board of Directors selected Liberia as eligible to develop a compact.

  • The program empowered the poor and promoted shared American values through a focus on improving land rights and access, increasing girls’ primary education enrollment and retention, and improving Liberia’s trade policy and practices.

  • This compact sought to assist the rural population’s transition from subsistence agriculture to a market economy by helping beneficiaries secure formal property rights, access credit and receive training in agricultural production, management and marketing.

  • This compact was designed to increase incomes and reduce poverty by improving the availability and reliability of and access to Malawi's power supply.

  • The program sought to reduce opportunities for corruption and strengthen the government’s ability to manage and monitor its finances. It supported independent oversight institutions and systems of enforcement and deterrence.

  • MCC is proud to continue our longstanding partnership with the Government of Malawi by investing $350 million to reduce transport costs, connect to markets, and strengthen land administration in Malawi.

  • The Mali Compact serves as a catalyst for sustainable economic growth through investments that capitalize on two of Malis major assets: the Bamako Senou Airport, a regional gateway for trade, and the Niger River, with its potential for agricultural production.

  • In December 2022, the MCC Board of Directors selected Mauritania as eligible to develop a threshold program.

  • The compact increased productivity and improve employment in high-growth sectors like fruit tree productivity, fisheries and artisan crafts. Financial services investments and enterprise support complemented small business creation and economic growth.

  • MCC and the Government of Morocco partnered to implement a $460.5 million compact to address two major constraints to economic growth in Morocco—employability and land productivity.

  • MCC sought to increase productivity, income generation and poverty reduction in the northern provinces of Mozambique by improving water and sanitation, roads, land tenure, and agriculture.

  • The Mozambique Connectivity and Coastal Resilience Compact is designed to promote inclusive economic growth, coastal resilience, and improve the quality of and access to public services and transportation infrastructure.

  • The Namibian Compact aimed to increase the competence of the Namibian workforce through knowledge and skills, as well as to increase the productivity of agricultural and nonagricultural enterprises in rural areas.

  • MCC’s $442.6 million compact with the Government of Niger aimed to increase rural incomes by improving the sustainable use of natural resources for agricultural production and improving trade and market access for agricultural products.

  • The program sought to improve Niger’s scorecard performance for compact eligibility by reducing administrative corruption and barriers to increased trade and investment.

  • The program supported the Rwandan government’s efforts to strengthen civic participation, promote civil liberties and rights and improve the judicial system. The program was designed to complement and reinforce Rwanda’s own reform efforts.

  • MCC aims to unlock the country’s agricultural productivity and expanding access to markets and services through critical infrastructure improvements in the Senegal River Valley and the Casamance region.

  • MCC and the Government of Senegal are partnering to spur economic growth and reduce poverty by improving Senegal’s power sector, reducing costs and expanding access to electricity for citizens and businesses.

  • In December 2022, MCC’s Board of Directors selected Senegal as eligible to develop a regional compact.

  • The $480 million compact seeks to assist the country in improving the availability of affordable and reliable electricity to satisfy demand among households, businesses, and social institutions.

  • MCC and the Government of Sierra Leone partnered to implement a $44.4 million threshold program to improve access to clean water and reliable electricity, and to support reforms designed to limit opportunities for corruption.

  • The program helped the Government of São Tomé and Príncipe increase revenue through improved tax and customs administration and enforcement. The program also helped streamline business registration procedures.

  • MCC's $698.1 million Tanzania Compact, completed in 2013, was designed to benefit more than five million people by investing in the country through targeted infrastructure improvement projects in transportation, energy and water.

  • The program helped the Tanzanian government reduce public corruption through a multi-pronged approach that increased civil society engagement, strengthened the rule of law and supported institutional reforms.

  • In December 2022, the MCC Board of Directors selected The Gambia as eligible to develop a compact.

  • MCC and the Government of The Gambia signed a $25 million threshold program to support the country's biggest constraint to economic growth: the unreliable and inadequate supply of electricity.

  • In December 2022, the MCC Board of Directors selected Togo as eligible to develop a compact.

  • The Togo Threshold Program is designed to support policy and institutional reforms in two areas identified as critical constraints to economic growth and poverty reduction: information and communication technology (ICT) and land tenure.

  • Tunisia was selected by MCC Board of Directors as eligible to develop a compact program in December 2016 and is in the final stages of compact development.

  • The program focused on decreasing public-sector corruption, particularly in procurement. The program strengthened governmental ability to follow-up on reported malpractice and the role of civil society in monitoring corruption.

  • The Zambia Compact invested in water supply, sanitation and drainage infrastructure with the goal of decreasing the incidence of water-related diseases, generating time savings for households and businesses, and mitigating business and residential flood losses.

  • The Zambia Farm-to-Market Compact aims to address key constraints within the country’s agriculture and agro-processing sectors.

  • The program sought to improve scorecard performance on three indicators by reducing corruption in key government institutions and barriers to increased trade and investment.