2004 Annual Report
Starting in May, MCC staff visited all sixteen 2004 eligible countries to explain our mission and our expectations. As many aspects of the MCA are radically different from traditional assistance programs, our message was met with enthusiasm and uncertainty.
2005 Annual Report
At the beginning of Fiscal Year 2005, MCC had been in existence for less than one year, had 49 permanent employees doing multiple jobs and had not yet entered into any Compacts or Threshold Programs. MCC was a "start-up” in every sense of the word.
2006 Annual Report
While elements of MCC’s approach have been used before, the organization incorporates the best lessons learned during the last half-century of work in the development field into an integrated package.
Compact between MCC and Ghana
The official compact between MCC and Ghana.
2007 Annual Report
The 2007 Annual Report is structured around three main themes—who we are, what we do, and why we do what we do—to guide you in fully understanding how we go about our work to reduce poverty through economic growth.
Aid Effectiveness: Putting Results at the Forefront
MCC’s analytical framework keeps the focus on results throughout the process of compact development and implementation.
2008 Annual Report
The 2008 Annual Report—covering the period from October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008—explains what makes MCC’s partnerships so different and outlines our early successes.
2009 Annual Report
MCC makes prudent choices about where to deliver development assistance by partnering with poor countries already committed to good governance, economic freedom, and the empowerment of their citizens.
Environmental Guidelines
The MCC Environmental Guidelines were formally established in January 2006 and updated in 2012 to formally adopt the IFC Performance Standards.
Compact between MCC and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The official compact between MCC and Jordan.
Eligible Country Report, FY 2011
This report identifies countries determined by MCC's Board to be eligible to develop proposals for new compacts or to develop Threshold Programs.
Niger Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Niger.</p>
Amendment 1: Georgia Compact
<p>Amendment 1 to the Georgia Compact</p>
Amendment 1: Madagascar Compact
<p>Amendment 1 to the Madagascar Compact</p>
Amendment 1: Mali Compact
<p>Amendment 1 to the Mali Compact</p>
Amendment 1: Mongolia Compact
<p>Amendment 1 to the Mongolia Compact</p>
Amendment 1: Namibia Compact
<p>Amendment 1 to the Namibia Compact</p>
Amendment 1: Ukraine Threshold Program Agreement
<p>An amendment to the Threshold Program Agreement with Ukraine.</p>
Compact between MCC and Armenia
The official compact between MCC and Armenia.
Compact between MCC and Benin
The official compact between MCC and Benin.
Compact between MCC and Burkina Faso
The official compact between MCC and Burkina Faso.
Compact between MCC and Cape Verde
The official compact between MCC and the Republic of Cabo Verde.
Compact between MCC and El Salvador
The official compact between MCC and El Salvador.
Compact between MCC and Georgia
The official compact between MCC and Georgia.
Compact between MCC and Honduras
The official compact between MCC and Honduras.
Compact between MCC and Lesotho
The official compact between MCC and Lesotho.
Compact between MCC and Madagascar
The official compact between MCC and the Madagascar.
Compact between MCC and Mali
The official compact between MCC and Mali.
Compact between MCC and Moldova
The official compact between MCC and Moldova.
Compact between MCC and Mongolia
The official compact between MCC and Mongolia.
Compact between MCC and Morocco
The official compact between MCC and Morocco.
Compact between MCC and Mozambique
The official compact between MCC and Mozambique.
Compact between MCC and Namibia
The official compact between MCC and Namibia.
Compact between MCC and Nicaragua
The official compact between MCC and Nicaragua.
Compact between MCC and Philippines
The official compact between MCC and Philippines.
Compact between MCC and Senegal
The official compact between MCC and Senegal.
Compact between MCC and Tanzania
The official compact between MCC and Tanzania.
Compact between MCC and Vanuatu
The official compact between MCC and Vanuatu.
Guyana Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Guyana.</p>
Kenya Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Kenya.</p>
Uganda Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Uganda.</p>
Albania Threshold Program Agreement, Stage II
<p>The official Stage II Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Albania.</p>
Albania Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Albania.</p>
Burkina Faso Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Burkina Faso.</p>
Indonesia Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Indonesia.</p>
Jordan Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Jordan.</p>
Malawi Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Malawi.</p>
Moldova Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Moldova.</p>
Paraguay Threshold Program Agreement, Stage II
<p>The official Stage II Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Paraguay.</p>
Paraguay Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Paraguay.</p>
Peru Threshold Program Agreement
<p>The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Peru.</p>
Philippines Threshold Program Agreement
The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Philippines.
Rwanda Threshold Program Agreement
The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Rwanda.
Tanzania Threshold Program Agreement
The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Tanzania.
Ukraine Threshold Program Agreement
The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Ukraine.
Zambia Threshold Program Agreement
The official Threshold Program agreement between MCC and Zambia.
Kyrgyz Republic Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Kyrgyz Republic.
Liberia Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Republic of Liberia.
Timor-Leste Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste.
Principles into Practice: Focus on Results
MCC has set a high standard among the development community for its approach to results. MCC’s results framework reflects a commitment to technically rigorous, systematic and transparent methods of projecting, tracking & evaluating the impacts of its programs.
Gender Integration Guidelines
MCC’s partner countries rely on this operational guidance to integrate gender in all stages of compact development and implementation in accordance with MCC’s Gender Policy.
Strengthening MCC’s Gender Policy
Learn more about how our operational procedures and milestones to strengthen MCC’s Gender Policy lead to better gender integration in the projects we fund.
2010 Annual Report
In these fiscally austere times, we are challenging ourselves at MCC to do more with less and to deliver sustainable results that will make a meaningful difference in the lives of the world’s poor.
Compact between MCC and Malawi
The official compact between MCC and Malawi.
MCC Climate Change Adaptation Policy Statement
MCC issues its policy statement committing to support the goals outlined in Executive Order 13514 regarding the U.S. government's role in environmental stewardship.
Principles into Practice: Country Ownership
Country ownership embodies partnership, where countries consult with their citizens and civil society to design and implement programs within an MCC framework built on a focused mandate, accountability, transparency, and impact.
Issue Brief: Principles into Practice: Country Ownership
Download and read this PDF to briefly discover six lessons learned by MCC in its approach to country ownership—both in principle and in practice.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2011
MCC is committed to prudent financial management, accountability, and transparency. The purpose of this report is to communicate comprehensively and reliably our financial and related activities.
Scorebook for FY 2012
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2012 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Compact between MCC and Indonesia
The official compact between MCC and Indonesia.
Summary of the December 15, 2011 Board of Directors Meeting
Read a summary of the December 15, 2011, meeting of the Board of Directors of MCC, which was held in closed session at 3:00 p.m. at the U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C.
Eligible Country Report, FY 2012
This report identifies countries determined by MCC's Board to be eligible to develop proposals for new compacts or to develop Threshold Programs.
Writing Guide for Public Documents
This guide provides general guidance for drafting MCC public documents, writing in plain language, an initiative embraced throughout the U.S. Government, and writing effectively for MCC's public website.
2011 FOIA Annual Report (XML)
This report describes in XML format the Freedom of Information Act requests received by MCC during fiscal year 2011 and outlines how MCC processed them.
2011 FOIA Annual Report
This report describes the Freedom of Information Act requests received by MCC during fiscal year 2011 and outlines how MCC processed them.
Investing in small-scale farmer productivity in Ghana
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s Ghana Compact that was designed to increase farm income by providing startup capital and training to farmer organizations.
Compact II between MCC and Cape Verde
The official compact between MCC and the Republic of Cape Verde.
Congressional Budget Justification for FY 2013
The Congressional Budget Justification lays out the President’s request of $898,200,000 to fund MCC in FY 2013. MCC anticipates using these appropriations to fund compacts in Ghana, Benin and El Salvador, and threshold programs in Honduras and Nepal.
Guidelines Regarding Collaboration Between the Peace Corps and MCA Accountable EntitiesUnder MCC-Financed Compacts
On September 9, 2010, the Peace Corps and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) signed a memorandum of agreement setting forth a framework for collaboration on complementary program areas.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Chief FOIA Officer Report, 2012
The Chief FOIA Officer Report addresses steps taken to apply the presumption of openness; ensure systems exist for responding to requests; increase proactive disclosures; improve technology use; reduce backlogs of pending requests; and improve timeliness.
Armenia Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Armenia Compact
Burkina Faso Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Burkina Faso Compact
El Salvador Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the El Salvador Compact
Moldova Compact Post-Compact Monitoring & Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Moldova Compact
Mongolia Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Mongolia Compact
Morocco Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Morocco Compact
Namibia Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Namibia Compact
Philippines Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Philippines Compact
Tanzania Compact Post-Compact Monitoring and Evaluation Plan
Post Compact M&E Plan for the Tanzania Compact
Vanuatu Compact Table of Key Performance Indicators
The Table of Key Performance Indicators is a report that is updated quarterly. The indicators are selected and updated once a year and come from the ME Plan. These indicators summarize the current progress of the Compact.
2011 Annual Report
By taking a results-driven, reform-centered approach to foreign assistance, MCC is a gateway to opportunity for both the world’s poor and the American people.
Candidate Country Report, FY 2012
This report identifies countries that are "candidate countries" for MCA assistance for FY12 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Principles into Practice Issue Brief: Irrigated Agriculture
Learn how MCC investments seek to increase rural incomes by improving agricultural productivity and access to markets, and to enhance food security by expanding local food supplies and creating new income opportunities.
Principles into Practice Issue Brief: Property Rights and Land Policy
Because of the central role that land, natural resources and other real property assets can play in economic development, discover how these projects can create new income opportunities.
Principles into Practice: Irrigated Agriculture
Many MCC partner countries have prioritized irrigated agriculture projects to increase rural incomes by improving agricultural productivity and access to markets, and enhance food security by expanding local food supplies and creating new income opportunities.
Principles into Practice: Property Rights and Land Policy
Many MCC partner countries have sought MCC investments in property rights and land policy because of the central role that land, natural resources and other real property assets can play in economic development.
Compact between MCC and Zambia
The official compact between MCC and the Republic of Zambia.
Report to Congress: MCC’s Approach to Confronting Corruption
Corruption fundamentally undermines economic growth, which is why the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) directly addresses corruption when choosing partner countries and when developing and implementing programs.
Politique relative au genre
Through MCC’s Gender Policy, partner countries analyze gender differences and inequalities to inform the development, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of programs.
Política de género
Through MCC’s Gender Policy, partner countries analyze gender differences and inequalities to inform the development, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of programs.
Summary of the June 21, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting
The summary of the June 21, 2012 meeting of the MCC Board of Directors.
Summary of the March 22, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting
Summary of the March 22, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting
Candidate Country Report, FY 2013
This report identifies countries that are "candidate countries" for MCA assistance for FY13 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Health and Safety Policy
MCC is committed to promoting the continuous improvement in the health and safety performance of MCC and MCA staff, contractors and consultants.
Summary of the September 13, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting
The summary of the September 13, 2012 meeting of the MCC Board of Directors.
Selection Criteria and Methodology Report, FY 2013
This report identifies the criteria and methodology MCC uses to determines countries that are eligible for MCA assistance for FY13.
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for Mount Coffee Hydropower Plant
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Resettlement Action Plan for the rehabilitation of the Mount Coffee Hydropower Plant in Liberia.
Principles into Practice: Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction through Growth
Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are widely recognized as key dimensions of human progress. Most development institutions and partner governments acknowledge this in laws, policies, institutional structures, and programming.
Principles into Practice Issue Brief: Gender Equality and Poverty Reduction through Growth
Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are widely recognized as key dimensions of human progress. Most development institutions and partner governments acknowledge this in laws, policies, institutional structures, and programming.
Guide to the Indicators and the Selection Process, FY 2013
Understand how MCC uses third-party indicators to determine which countries should be eligible and be effective in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
Principles into Practice: Impact Evaluations of Agriculture Projects
This MCC-USAID collaboration looks at the value, challenges and lessons of doing impact evaluation in the agriculture sector.
Amended and Restated Schedules 1-3 to Annex 1 of MCC Compact with Ghana
Amended and Restated Schedules 1-3 to Annex 1 of MCC Compact with Ghana
Scorebook for FY 2013
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2013 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2012
The Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results that enable the President, Congress and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for fiscal year 2012.
Guide to the Compact Survey Summary, FY13
This document provides a sense of the topics and questions addressed through the process of surveying MCC implementation staff when considering countries for supplemental compacts.
Guide to the Supplemental Information Sheet
This guide illustrates the types of supplemental information MCC and its Board take into consideration when selecting countries for threshold programs or compacts.
2012 Employee Viewpoint Survey Results
The 2012 Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS) results capture MCC employee views as of May 2012.
Principles into Practice Issue Brief: Impact Evaluations of Agriculture Projects
The U.S. Government is committed to learning what works to reduce poverty and increase food security through agriculture investments. There are many tools for learning from program experience. However, impact evaluations are central to a learning agenda...
Summary of the December 19, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting
The summary of the December 19, 2012 meeting of the MCC Board of Directors.
Eligible Country Report, FY 2013
This report identifies countries determined by MCC's Board to be eligible to develop proposals for new compacts or to develop Threshold Programs in FY2013.
Rehabilitating the Samtskhe-Javakheti Road in Georgia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Georgia Samtskhe-Javakheti Road Rehabilitation Activity that aimed to address the economic isolation of the Samtskhe-Javakheti region.
FY13 Quarter 1 FOIA Report
FY13 Quarter 1 FOIA Report
Executive Summary of FY 2012 MCC Sustainability Plan
This executive summary outlines MCC's fiscal year 2012 Sustainability Report.
2012 FOIA Annual Report (XML)
2012 FOIA Annual Report (XML)
2012 FOIA Annual Report
This report describes the Freedom of Information Act requests received by MCC during fiscal year 2012 and outlines how MCC processed them.
Policy on Suspension and Termination
This policy describes the process and procedures MCC will follow regarding suspension and termination.
Summary of the March 14, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting
The summary of the March 14, 2013 meeting of the MCC Board of Directors.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 Chief FOIA Officer report
The Chief FOIA Officer Report addresses steps taken to apply the presumption of openness; ensure systems exist for responding to requests; increase proactive disclosures; improve technology use; reduce backlogs of pending requests; and improve timeliness.
2012 Annual Report
MCC’s results-driven, country-led partnerships worldwide deliver impactful, cost-effective assistance. Learn how MCC’s model is advancing learning and best practices for effective development, while promoting U.S. economic interests in the global marketplace.
Achieving Fair and Transparent Land Allocation of High-Value Agricultural Lands in the Senegal River
The paper explores the question of how the beneficiaries of increased land values are determined. Our case study is MCC's Integrated Water Resources Management Project being implemented in the Senegal River Valley (SRV) by MCA-Senegal.
Protecting the Rights of Urban and Peripheral Urban Landholders under the New Code of Land Tenure and the Domain of Benin of 2013
This paper explains the content of Benin's Code of Land Tenure and the Domain and the main innovations, which are intended to address the problems of urban and peripheral urban development.
Providing Farmland Ownership Rights to Women In Rural Mali: The MCC Experience
This paper is a short history of project design and implementation, and how the Alatona Irrigation Project developed and executed an approach for allocating land rights to women, the results achieved and the lessons learned.
Congressional Budget Justification for FY 2014
The Congressional Budget Justification lays out the President’s request to fund MCC in FY 2014.
Transitioning Producers to Higher-Profit Activities in El Salvador
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s El Salvador Compact that aimed to help farmers and small-scale producers transition to higher-profit activities.
Improving the Agricultural Sector’s Performance in Armenia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Armenia Compact designed to increase the productivity of the agricultural sector by improving irrigation and preparing farmers to shift production to higher-value crop production.
Second Compact between MCC and Georgia
The official second compact between MCC and the Georgia.
Candidate Country Report, FY 2014
This report identifies countries that are "candidate countries" for MCA assistance for FY14 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Malawi Compact - First Amendment
Malawi Compact - First Amendment
Agenda for the September 2013 MCC Board of Director’s Meeting
Agenda for the September 2013 MCC Board of Director's Meeting
Honduras Threshold Program Grant Agreement
Honduras Threshold Program Grant Agreement
Summary of the June 19, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting
The summary of the June 19, 2013 meeting of the MCC Board of Directors.
Guide to the Indicators and the Selection Process, FY 2014
Understand how MCC uses third-party indicators to determine which countries should be eligible and be effective in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
Scorebook for FY 2014
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2014 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Summary of the September 12, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting
The summary of the September 12, 2013 meeting of the MCC Board of Directors.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2013
The Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results that enable the President, Congress and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for fiscal year 2013.
Eligible Country Report, FY 2014
This report identifies countries determined by MCC's Board to be eligible to develop proposals for new compacts or to develop Threshold Programs in FY2014.
Accelerating the Shift to Commercial Agriculture in Georgia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s Georgia Compact that aimed to increase the production and efficiency of agribusinesses by awarding resources to groups of farmers and enterprises.
2013 Annual Report
American values and interests meet in MCC’s work to shape global economic opportunity. By focusing on results, accountability and transparency, MCC leads with its values to pursue interests of mutual benefit. Read how in Shared Values, Shared Prosperity.
Principles into Practice: Country Selectivity
MCC works with a limited number of well-governed poor countries and is the only donor agency in the world to base country selection so heavily—and so transparently—on public, third-party policy performance data.
Upgrading transport networks across Honduras
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Honduras Compact that aimed to reduce transport costs to improve farmers’ access to markets.
Improving Farmers’ Skills and Productivity in Honduras
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Honduras Compact that aimed to improve the skills, productivity, and risk management practices of farmers through training and technical assistance on horticultural crops.
Agenda for the June 2014 MCC Board of Director's Meeting
Agenda for the June 2014 MCC Board of Director's Meeting
Supporting Handicraft Producers in El Salvador
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of an activity from MCC’s El Salvador Compact that aimed to help handicraft producers transition to higher-profit activities.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Chief FOIA Officer report
The Chief FOIA Officer Report addresses steps taken to apply the presumption of openness; ensure systems exist for responding to requests; increase proactive disclosures; improve technology use; reduce backlogs of pending requests; and improve timeliness.
Targeting non-communicable diseases and injuries in Mongolia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Mongolia Compact that aimed to reduce premature deaths and disabilities and improve productivity by reducing non-communicable diseases and injuries through health system improvements.
Better air quality with energy efficiency in Mongolia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Mongolia Compact that aimed to improve health through reduced air pollution and increase income through lower expenditures by subsidizing households to switch to energy efficient stoves.
Increasing access to safer water in rural Mozambique
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Mozambique Compact that aimed to improve the health and productivity of community members in intervention areas by providing access to safer water and hygiene and sanitation training.
Second Compact between MCC and Ghana
The official second compact between MCC and Ghana.
Report on Countries that are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Account Eligibility for Fiscal Year 2015 and Countries that would be Candidates but for Legal Prohibitions
This report identifies countries that are "candidate countries" for MCA assistance for FY15 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Improving roads in Nicaragua
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn about the results of a road rehabilitation project from MCC’s Nicaragua Compact designed to decrease transportation costs and lower the price and increase the availability of consumer goods.
Reducing Transport Costs with Road Upgrades in Vanuatu
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Vanuatu Compact that aimed to increase incomes by reducing transportation travel time and vehicle operating costs, originally targeting the tourism and agriculture sectors.
Second Compact between MCC and El Salvador
The official compact between MCC and El Salvador.
Guide to the Indicators and the Selection Process, FY 2015
Understand how MCC uses third-party indicators to determine which countries should be eligible and be effective in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
Scorebook for FY 2015
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2015 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal Year 2014
The Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results that enable the President, Congress and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for fiscal year 2014.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2015
The Board met on December 10, 2014, to select countries that will be eligible for MCA compact assistance under section 607 of the Act (22 U.S.C. 7706) for FY 2015.
Second Compact between MCC and El Salvador (Spanish)
The official compact between MCC and El Salvador.
2014 Employee Viewpoint Survey Results
The 2014 Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS) results capture MCC employee views as of May 2014.
Principles into Practice: Transparency
Through its latest Principles into Practice paper, MCC discusses how it has put the principle of transparency into practice and what it has learned about implementing this fundamental tenet of aid effectiveness during its first 10 years of experience.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 Chief FOIA Officer report
The Chief FOIA Officer Report addresses steps taken to apply the presumption of openness; ensure systems exist for responding to requests; increase proactive disclosures; improve technology use; reduce backlogs of pending requests; and improve timeliness.
Closed Compact Report: Mozambique Compact
Read MCC’s Mozambique Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $506.9 million investment in water and sanitation, roads, land tenure, and agriculture 2008-2013.
2014 Annual Report
Explore how MCC’s results, partnerships and contributions to sustainable economic growth have made it an effective and emulated development leader in its 2014 Annual Report.
Enhancing agricultural productivity in Mali
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results from MCC’s Mali Alatona Irrigation Project that aimed to increase production and productivity, improve land tenure security, and modernize irrigated production systems.
Guatemala Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Republic of Guatemala.
Improving Rural Roads in Armenia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Armenia Compact designed to improve rural roads to expand access to agricultural markets, employment opportunities, and social infrastructure.
Supporting Rural Businesses in Nicaragua
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn about the results of an agriculture project from MCC’s Nicaragua Compact designed to increase the value-added and productivity of farms and rural businesses by providing technical and financial assistance.
Transforming the Microcredit Sector in Morocco
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Morocco I Compact that aimed to increase incomes through transformation of microcredit associations into financial institutions, loan support, training, and access to mobile banking.
Increasing the reliability of electricity in Tanzania
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Tanzania Energy Sector Project Zanzibar Interconnector Activity that replaced the undersea power cable between mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar.
Strengthening Small Business Activities in Morocco
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Morocco I Compact that aimed to reduce unemployment and improve entrepreneurship for vulnerable populations and youth through training and mentorship for small businesses.
Modernizing the Artisan and Tourism Sectors in Morocco
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Morocco I Compact that aimed to increase incomes by modernizing the artisan and tourism sectors through training, marketing, and upgrades to equipment, work, and historic sites.
Extending Power Lines in Tanzania
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the interim results of a project from MCC’s Tanzania Compact that aimed to produce long-term savings and growth for grid-connected customers in 178 communities across seven regions of Tanzania.
Public Website Visual Style Guide
MCC.gov was designed to deliver a visually cohesive experience using defined elements, graphics, dimensions, typography and colors that align with MCC's brand. Web designers and developers should use this style guide to ensure a consistent user experience.
Second Compact between MCC and Benin
The official compact between MCC and Benin.
Report on Countries that are Candidates for Millennium Challenge Compact Eligibility for Fiscal Year 2016 and Countries that would be Candidates but for Legal Prohibitions
This report identifies countries that are "candidate countries" for MCA assistance for FY16 based on per capita income levels and eligibility to receive assistance under U.S. law.
Morocco Employability and Land Compact Intent to Sign CN
The Government of Morocco, in partnership with the Millennium Challenge Corporation, is developing a second compact in Morocco toward the shared objective of poverty reduction through economic growth.
Report on the Criteria and Methodology for Determining the Eligibility of Candidate Countries for Millennium Challenge Account Assistance in Fiscal Year 2016
This report identifies the criteria and methodology MCC uses to determines countries that are eligible for MCA assistance for FY16.
Compact between MCC and Liberia
The official compact between MCC and Liberia.
Enhancing farmers’ access to rural finance in Burkina Faso
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the final results of a project from MCC’s Agriculture Development Project in Burkina Faso that aimed to increase access to credit for farmers, farmers groups, and agro-businesses working in agriculture value chains.
Closed Compact Report: Burkina Faso Compact
Read MCC’s Burkina Faso Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $480 million investment in agriculture, land tenure, roads and girls’ education from 2009-2014.
Closed Compact Report: Lesotho Compact
Read MCC’s Lesotho Closed Compact Report to learn about our investment from 2008 – 2013 to improve the water and health sectors and encourage private sector development.
Closed Compact Report: Mongolia Compact
Read MCC’s Mongolia Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $284.9 million investment in property rights, transportation, energy, education and health from 2008-2013.
Closed Compact Report: Morocco Compact
Read MCC’s Morocco Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $697.5 million investment in textiles, agribusiness, fishing and handicrafts from 2008-2013.
Scorebook for FY 2016
Download a compendium of the fiscal year 2016 scorecards with introductory text about the indicators and how to interpret the scores.
Agency Financial Report, Fiscal 2015
The Agency Financial Report provides fiscal and high-level performance results that enable the President, Congress and the American people to assess MCC’s performance for fiscal year 2015.
Closed Compact Report: Tanzania Compact
Read MCC’s Tanzania Closed Compact Report for a comprehensive look at MCC’s $698.1 million investment in transportation, energy and water projects 2008-2013.
Sierra Leone Threshold Program Agreement
The official threshold program agreement between the United States, acting through the Millennium Challenge Corporation, and the Republic of Sierra Leone.
Guide to the Indicators, FY 2016
Understand how MCC uses third-party indicators to determine which countries should be eligible and be effective in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth.
Strengthening the Olive Value Chain in Morocco
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Morocco I Compact that aimed to increase olive production, quality and quantity of olives and olive oil sold, and income through training and support across the value chain.
Second Compact between MCC and Morocco
The official compact between MCC and Morocco.
Transforming the Small-Scale Fishing Sector in Morocco
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Morocco I Compact that aimed to increase incomes by modernizing the small-scale fishing sector through training, marketing, and upgrades for catching, storing, transporting fish.
Providing Financial Services for Producers in El Salvador
Learn about the results of a project from MCC’s El Salvador Productive Development Project’s Investment Support and Financial Services Activities that provided access to loans and financial services for small producers in the Northern Zone.
Report on the Selection of Eligible Countries for Fiscal Year 2016
The Board met on December 16, 2015, to select countries that will be eligible for assistance under section 607 of the Act (22 U.S.C. 7706) for FY 2016
Policy Statement on the Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan
MCC is committed to create a sustainability-conscious operating environment for all of its employees and continuously improve policies and practices to enhance its environmental performance.
MCC is sharpening its approach and bolstering its ability to transform lives and reduce poverty around the globe through economic growth.
2014 Report on Closeout ERRs
The main purpose of this report is to concisely document facts on Economic Rates of Return (ERRs) that have been updated upon compact closeouts as of end-2014.
2015 Employee Viewpoint Survey Results
The 2015 Employee Viewpoint Survey (EVS) results capture MCC employee views as of June 2015.
2015 Annual Report
MCC catalyzes private investment and serves as a gateway to opportunity by taking a data-driven, policy reform-centered approach to foreign assistance. MCC’s investments and partnerships are changing the lives of people living in poverty around the world.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Chief FOIA Officer report
The Chief FOIA Officer Report addresses steps taken to apply the presumption of openness; ensure systems exist for responding to requests; increase proactive disclosures; improve technology use; reduce backlogs of pending requests; and improve timeliness.
Progress made to Strengthen the Application of the Control of Corruption Indicator
This report to congress explores the Control of Corruption indicator MCC uses, and describes our efforts to strengthen the indicator by consulting the best data available today and working with other stakeholders to improve the quality of data available.
Building Libraries in Three Regional Hubs in Namibia
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the interim results of a project from MCC’s Namibia Compact that aimed to expand community access to information, training resources, and study facilities to improve educational and professional outcomes.
Fighting Coconut Crop Disease in Mozambique
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Mozambique Compact that aimed to support smallholders control the spread of crop disease, improve productivity and increase value-added of coconut products.
Improving Non-Formal Skills in Northern El Salvador
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a sub-activity from MCC’s El Salvador Compact that aimed to improve formal technical education by providing scholarships and strengthening schools.
Improving Technical Education in El Salvador
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a sub-activity from MCC’s El Salvador Compact that aimed to improve formal technical education by providing scholarships and strengthening schools.
Improving education through school construction in Niger
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn the results of a project from MCC’s Threshold Program in Niger that aimed to improve education outcomes of girls through the construction of primary schools and other complementary education interventions.
Supporting government revenue reform in the Philippines
Read this Evaluation Brief to learn about the results of an institutional reform project from MCC’s Philippines Compact designed to raise tax revenues and reduce tax evasion and revenue agent-related corruption.